Autovault Automated Safe Deposit Lockers

A revolutionary technology that takes locker convenience and safety to a whole new level, Godrej Security Solutions’ introduces Autovault. This automated safe deposit locker completely changes the way lockers have traditionally been accessed and handled. It can give customers 24-hour access to their belongings as well as an elevated protection with three layers of security. Rather than the customer going to the locker, the robotic technology brings the locker to the customer’s booth. Autovault comes in five locker sizes compatible with different types of safe deposit boxes. It is a perfect solution to bring a revolutionary transformation to businesses of banks and other financial institutions.

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  • Five locker sizes available.
  • Large number of variants customized according to the available space.
  • Compatible with different types of safe deposit boxes.
  • Quick Locker retrieval.
  • Flexibility in layout to ensure customers do not face each other thereby ensuring customer privacy and security.
  • Large vaults easing customer congestion with maximum of 4 operation booths.
  • Option of changing the safe deposit locker box size after installation, ensuring zero unused lockers thereby maximising occupancy.


How Autovault Works

  • The customer uses his access card to gain entry into the locker booth
  • The customer further inserts his card in the card slot and enters his 4 digit secret pin code on the LCD panel
  • With the automated process, the customer’s respective locker comes to the table he’s sitting at in the locker booth
  • The customer uses his unique key to unlock his locker
  • When the customer is done with his transaction, he uses the key to lock it again and presses the return button on the LCD screen
  • The automated robotic process places the locker safely back to where it had been inside the vault